Can cheap laptops like under $400 plays games smoothly?

Like Minecraft, Sonic Generations, and South Park the Stick of Truth? I'm 18 I'm not rich, I don't want to break the bank for a $1,000 plus gaming laptop. Requirements for me are a built in webcam and no I can't get a desktop because I will have to have a laptop because its portable. Also full HD would be great, but at least some form of HD is required. And a minimum of 4 GB of RAM. And at least 150 GB of hard drive memory. And obviously Wi-Fi which I think all laptops have nowadays. It has to have USB ports. The highest I'll go is $500, $600 if I have to. But over that is really too much. I do have a Best Buy gift cars for $100 and two American Express gift cards equaling $75 so that's $175 I'm putting towards a laptop.

Yep any of the laptops around or just under $400 have at least 4GB ram and will play almost everything frame loss free released before 2012ish. I play StarCraft 2 on low without lag on a motherboard I bought for $43. The motherboards on those laptops are much better than what I'm using and the games you list can be played on a $200 retail laptop. If you went to craigslist or built your own you could probably snag something you see for 400 on bestbuy for 300 or less easy. Oh and you of course will want a keyboard and mouse, but for your needs you could find a keyboard/mouse combo on sale for $15-20 all year round.

No. You can't play games smoothly on a $400 laptop. You might be able to play low settings on some games but a ton of games out there will suffer moderate to severe frame rate issues.

You can do that if you buy a refurbished one with a good (dedicated) GPU…