Can anyone check on my Youtube Channel?

Hello I'm having a gaming channel and I actually don't know how it is going I mean in my videos there are less than 10 views and no likes and I'm very curious to know about my channel so please can anyone say how is my channel

Added (1). Someone suggest what should I do… What different should I do to be a successful youtuber

Added (2). Many People say make good quality video what do you mean by that… See I'm having a very old PC and so I have to lower down graphics settings even resolution to play games at 30 FPS
Is this the reason why I'm getting less views… Can anyone watch my new video and say what I lack…

I do a gaming channel with 350+ subs… You need a sponsor and an intro. And make sure you're skilled. I don't know what your channel is but I know it's gaming. You have to cater for that niche - for example, Call of Duty-ers love skilled gaming girls, trickshotters and trolling. Minecraft-fans adore griefers, "best builds" and games like Hunger Games. Cater for your specific niche.

Also do collabs with people with more subs, and do more than one game. I currently cater for CoD fancs but I'm aiming to get Minecraft and more soon. Also make sure you record with a good PVR NOT A PHONE! I use the Hauppauge Gaming PVR 2. Send me a message at if you want to do a collab

I didn't check but if you want subscribers you have to do interesting videos. Lyrics maybe
You singing
Religion or public speaking