I know this is a dumb question but i'm curious.I'm going to be building a computer soon because I like play Minecraft that would slow down time to time and I also want to play the older Tomb Raider games and Shantae. I would like to know if the art software that I'll be using are going to be too much for the gaming build to handle. The software that I'll be using are Manga/Clip Studio 5, Sketchbook Pro, and Krita.
Can a gaming pc be use for digital arts?
Cookie90skid 21.08.2017
Jonathan 21.08.2017
An actual gaming system can handle graphics programs
Tasm 21.08.2017
Yes, it can, gaming computers have video cards also known as a gpu and that part is used for rendering so for video games and computer graphics like art
Ian 21.08.2017
If you think about it, your games are pretty much digital arts. So yes, your computer should be able to handle pretty much any graphics editing program.
Master Of Puppets 21.08.2017
Yes, but for that you'll want to focus a bit more on CPU and RAM than you would for gaming.
William 21.08.2017