By your opinion, what is the best game: Minecraft or Call of Duty?

Just wondering. :3 To me, I think Minecraft is the best game.

Incomparable, its a comparison of genre not of games. Besides Call of Duty has like 10 games an minecraft is one. There's varying quality of CoD games as well. If you were talking about cod4 or mw2 I might prefere playing those but if we talking ghosts i would rather play minecraft

I haven't even played minecraft before and i'm gonna say minecraft just because call of duty got so effing stupid and is the same every single time a new one comes out. One day they will have like 50 of them and it will still be the same as all the first ones.

Neither are better than the other. Since they're from different genres, with one being a sandbox game and the other a shooter, there's no similarities to compare them with. Modding is out of the question, as even with a shooter mod for Minecraft it's not a shooter, it'll still be a sand box.

But out of, for example, Minecraft and Cube World, Minecraft would have the upper edge. On the other spectrum, between Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, the fan base would favor COD's multiplayer aspects over the other.

Basically, you can't compare games from two different genres and expect a decent answer. It's like saying which is better between a Mac and a Playstation 4. Both are totally different from each other in that there's no similar concepts the debate over, but it you swapped out the Mac for an Xbox One, then you'll have something to compare, as both are "next gen" gaming systems with equally large fan bases.

Cod BO 1+2 but only those two. Other than that mine craft

This is like comparing an Apple made out of Legos to a grenade painted to look like an Orange. What kind of comparison is this?

I guess my only answer is, I'd rather play Minecraft.

Two different genres.
That's like asking if dishwashers or computers are better than each other

Tw completley different games
its impossible to compare them

i don't care for either

In Minecraft there are servers that imitate CoD, but you won't ever find a CoD server that imitates Minecraft. Minecraft wins, no contest.

Minecraft, because it allows creative freedom, whereas in Call of Duty you follow setpiece to setpiece and if you're off 1 inch where you're supposed to be, the game punishes you for it

In my opinion, Banjo-Kazooie is the best game. Or at least my favorite. Here's the thing, you're trying to compare one game to a whole series. Unless you just mean a certain Call of Duty game, in which you need to specify which one. I can't really say since they're so different and I've never played Minecraft.