Building a gaming PC please?

I wana be able to run Minecraft 1.7 with max fps and shaders (if possible). I can only spend 800$(£500) on it please. Tell meh what parts 2 use. I'm using teh website "pcpartpicker"
If anyone can help it's greatly appreiciated.

Added (1). I need it for Minecraft mainly ;_;
Anyone knows a setup where I can get MAX fps with Shaders thats within my budget?

Added (2). I'd also be happy if you linked me the setup on "pcpartpicker"

This is what you need for playing all games like battlefield 4, crysis 3 etc. On max settings smoothly… Within your budget
Processor - FX 8320 (8CORES +3.5GHZ)
Ram - 8gb ddr3
Graphic card - asus/msi r9 280x
Psu - 700w
Motherboard - GA 78LMT-USB3

Happy gaming