Has anyone bought from this website? Or heard of it?

I was looking all over the internet for a minecraft wallet for a gift, but could only find the lame ones on amazon. I found this one website that has exactly what I wanted, but I don't know if it's legit. It has no reviews or anything. It has over 5k likes on facebook but no comments or anything like that. The website is iwantaminion.com and looks very.Ya know. Unprofessional like. So I was wondering if anyone has heard good things from this site? Do they really have the things and ship them accordingly?

According to Whois… This company is located on the island of Guernsey, England ( pop 63,000 )… Hard to say about them, they don't say if the products they sell are legally licensed by the companies that own the trademark… So who's to say if these are just cheap Chinese knock offs…

Turn off your computer and take a basic internet course. If you do not know how to do a 20 second whois check, you are not qualified to buy stuff on the internet. I suggest you sue your lame school. Fifth grade kids in China know this stuff.

You should know that site reviews mean nothing. Any four day old site can have raving reviews.

Good site for buying likes/followers