Best Affordable Gaming Desktop (Black Friday)?

Hi, I need a desktop for gaming, and was wondering if you all know if any good ones, I'm kinda on a budget (below 600$) and I want it to be able to run most shooter games, bo3 etc… And minecraft, while recording them, I also want it to be Windows 8/8.1 and to have a lot of ram, and a better processor than i3 because my laptop is i3 and can't run many games, also I don't really know how to build a desktop so… If there are any good deals for desktops for blackfriday, please link them.

Unfortunately for $600 you won't be able to buy a pre-built gaming pc that can actually play modern games. It's worth learning how to build a pc since you can get much more for your money, and it's not as hard as it seems. If you built the pc for $600 instead of buying one you could get a pretty good pc.