Anyone want to do Youtube Channel collabs/ Features channels?

The name is T-NovaGamer. I'm a starting youtuber. I generally play any game, but since i've started it i've done mostly pc games and mostly from the horror genre since i'm not used to it. I play games like COD, Halo, 7 days to die, Nether and now rust. I also play alot of other games but i don't wanna blow up the description with game titles. I'm willing to try new things out, i'm afraid i won't be able to do minecraft at the moment, 7 days to die is remotely close to that. But other then that i'm willing to try other multi player games with my fellow gamers and i hope you give my channel a look, here's a link: Thanks GUYS! GAME OUT!

I'm also looking to start a YouTube channel i don't always have money to buy games but i have tf2 and a couple mods for it also I have nether, Americas army proving ground and can get any free game on steam. I have the full ksp so I would make one with you i have a channel that i just made yesterday with a clever name. I'm 14almost 15 and wold be willing to do this with you

Awesome Channel dude. I'll help sub if you sub back.

I started my Youtube Gaming channel, pretty slow process but I'll getting there. So far I record off PC games only and I have a lot of games on my Steam library like L4D2, Skyrim, Portal 1 & 2, and more. I also have Minecraft but not sure what to do on it that's good for recording. Also, taking a break but I got some videos on Saints Row 3. Check it out sometimes and appreciate it if you subscribe and support~ ^.^