Any recommendation for games?

So I've been looking for new games to play recently on PC. So far my favorites are Skyrim, Minecraft, Halo 4, WoW, DIablo 3, also i would prefer something on steam. I'll play FPS, RPG's and pretty much anything. Also no games like Amnesia.

Added (1). Oh yea forgot i've beaten dishonored and i have the beta for ESO already.

You could check Two Worlds 2 (since 1 is terrible ) open world game like Skyrim, crafting your own spells (just check what people make on YT ) lot's of quest and not bad gameplay + graphics.

Alpha Protocol buggy but very good espionage game, you can play in style of Splinter Cell or be Rambo and kill everybody, there's lot's of quest very good dialogue lines (like in Mass Effect series you can be good or bad and your choices influence the game )

Dishonored is a really great game that I wish more people had played. Elder scrolls online is coming out soon so buying that wouldn't be a bad idea. Dark souls is a lot of fun, but it's really hard, if you're new to the game. Bio shock infinite is one you shouldn't miss.

Visit Games Finder's directory here: They have pages for every game you list. Their Minecraft list has 70+ games alone with the others having 30-40 each so there are hundreds of games on there to discover. You can also sort their results based on score and just work your way down (that is what I do).

Some of my favourites in each genre you list:

Two Worlds 2
Dragon's Dogma
The Witcher series

Don't Starve
Cube World
Block Story

Resistance series

Runes of Magic
The Lord of the Rings Online

~Diablo 3~
Path of Exile
Torchlight series
Drakensang Online

Fallout 3/New Vegas,
BioShock series,
Far Cry 3,
Mass Effect,
Path of Exile,
Assassins Creed,…