Any play where i can efficiently learn java?

So i've been really interested to start learning my first programming language. Once i get pretty decent at it I would like you create a software or create plugins for games like Minecraft. So on Youtube i found a guy named Patrick Washington who I liked but ALOT ALOT of people were telling me he was giving too much basic info and Only 1/4 of the video was available. Then i was recommended to learn from TheNewBoston but to me he is going to fast if you know what i mean. He will literally throws out stuff and not really explain each part in detail. I get to distracted to read pages of tutorials. I'm literally baffled about what to do

Added (1). place*

Bruce Eckle's free eBook: Thinking in Java

Loads of free education - don't focus just on Java. Learn proper software engineering techniques. Learn Object Oriented programming in general instead of just Java.

Have you worked with any other programming languages?

I had worked in VB before learning java and i found the best way to learn (along side being taught at uni) was to set myself mini projects and play with the code until i understood how things worked (i've always found it better to be hands on and learn by making mistakes)

Look at Object Orientation, pay close attention to the wording of methods and how to insert and retrieve data from them.

I also found "Head First Java" by Oreilly to be a useful resource to start out with.
There are also numerous "trails" to follow on the java website that arent bad for learning although in both cases they are slightly wordy because they are trying to teach you concepts as well as code

Hope this helps

Why don't you learn from theoretical website instead of watching YouTube tutorials?

Try the following online resources for learning Java: