OK so i've been looking around lately for a new game too play but I can't find any I like. I'm looking for a game that allows us to manipulate the undead or fight them or something along the lines of that… Even if I can be a Dark Mage or something would be fine. I just really want to be the essence of darkness if you know what I mean.
The games that I remember I played or continue to play so far:
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Dragon Pals
World of Warcraft
League of Legends
Thank you in Advance!
Added (1). Oh and please list games that have a Free to Play status.
Added (2). I guess I should have specified that games that can be played on consoles and pc isn't what i'm looking for so Skyrim Fallout and stuff like that is out… And yes I have played Skyrim and I can't wait til Elder Scroll Online come out sorry for the inconvenience