Animated Car race video?

I don't remember when but like years ago on YouTube I watched to car race video that was animated. It started off with 2 cars racing each other trying to reach the finish end with a time limit however near the end of the race one of the cars almost loses/dies. The other car is almost at the finish end however stops and goes back to help the other car, he almost increase the time left. It finishes with both cars finishing at tie. Then the game starts all over again back to square one just showing how these cars are in an endless loop.

I've tried searching for this but with no luck with all that appears Is the cars movies badly animated Car races and Minecraft races.

If anyone remembers this of can find this thanks?









How good was the production value… Did they look like real racing cars. Or was it like a nissan ad? And how long was it. Was it hd? I feel like the youtube filters could help a bit… Especially the date