Seed for Minecraft on Xbox?

I'm looking for a seed that has LOTS of Villages. Plenty of Diamonds, Iron, Gold, Coal, etc., LOTS of monster spawners/dungeons. LOTS of animals. LOTS of different biomes all together as well.

The seeds don't have to have all of these in them, I'd just like to have a couple seeds to choose from that have at least one of these!

I've got the PS3 edition - and the seed - pearljam - is brilliant. I've already found four villages close to one another, and have been able to get a full set of iron armour, a diamond sword and a nether portal without doing any mining.

Grasslands - is also a pretty good seed as well - with spawn close to two mushroom biomes meaning food isn't a probably early game.

But these are PS3 seeds, so many not be the same for X-Box.