I can't afford an account myself, but it looks real fun. I don't mind if it is use or new or we can share it (i'm tired of the demo and kinda want to start a minecraft YouTube Chanel). You can send me the user and password to my email tobian14@aol.com don't email me if you are not letting me use it.
Would any one give me a minecraft account?
Guest 18.02.2016
Oh wow, just what the world needs, yet another Minecraft YouTube channel.
Guest 22.02.2016
Minecraft is 4 dorks
Monkey 22.02.2016
Honestly, you're not getting anything for free.
Another minecraft channel really, you're so average and not special that you can't do something else so you copy what all the other humans do?
Just to let you in I've saved you're email address and I'm distributing it everywhere, that's your lesson.
Never give out personal information.
Guest 22.02.2016
Mow some lawns. Make some money. Then get your own. That's how everyone else got it.
jared 22.02.2016