What was your herobrine sighting?

My herobrine sighting was i was in a biome with dark grass and dark tree leaves i saw i tree with no leaves it had i ladder with a redstone torch on top, i looked up and what i saw on a mountain biome was herobrine i tried to run away i ended up in water i was lagging like only 30 frames a second and i heard that minecrafts sounds were glitching, later on i got disconnected from the sever i opened up a new world i was in the desert then my game crashed and it said out of memory and i never played minecraft again.

I honestly hope your joking, herobrine is fake, even if he was real the game couldn't configure him to build ladders and Redstone on a tree. The server was messing with you, and the game sound and frames per second dropped because you ran out of RAM, which made the game crash. Try playing it again.