So I'm sort of an intermediate player at Minecraft. I started playing not too long ago in survival mode on my own world. So far I've created a mine, built a house with many chests, crafting tables and a furnace. I've mined all the abundant minerals stone, etc and the more precious ones iron ore, coal, lapis, redstone, gold, and diamond. I've made torches, a map, compass, sheers etc. I'm just wondering what is there to do next? I'm sort of stuck - if you know what I mean? What do you do in Minecraft after you've sort of mined all the main elements and have built shelter?
What to do in Minecraft next?
MJFAN 15.07.2015
I believe the end goal of survival mode is to defeat the ender dragon or whatever. You need obsidian to make the portal or whatever. I'm pretty new at it too, but this is all what my 8 year old cousin tells me.
Austin 15.07.2015
Blow up stuff
RYAN 15.07.2015
Umm. What do you play Minecraft on? I'm looking for a survival partner!
Shawn 15.07.2015
Kill the Ender Dragon
Steve 15.07.2015
One thing you can do is go to the neither, you can build a second base, or a secret base, or just a house that looks good. I always build a castle when i'm board. You can go to the end and win the game if your on a computer, you can try to make a mob trap. You can even make a roller coaster, or a train station and a huge track out to another base. You could try tinkering with redstone too, hope that helped.
Andrew 15.07.2015