So my friend and I are building the town like thing but its all enclosed in a giant structure. So far I have about 4 fully furnished apartments, a church, small hospital, tavern, grocery store, tailor, black smith, and a fountain. What else should I add?
What should I add to this in Minecraft?
Jules 10.04.2016
Library, Farm, Racetrack(?), Pool, Restaurant, Garden area/park, Bank.
Nicole 10.04.2016
A life
Michael 10.04.2016
I hate you.
Henry 10.04.2016
A square like center of town
Chris 10.04.2016
Besides what Nicole said, Mall/shopping center, town hall, jail, school, amusement park, movie theatre, office building, pet shop, and just add different style houses and it'll look great
Guest 10.04.2016