I'm looking for a good gaming desktop under $1000. I play games like minecraft and I don't want to have ANY lag, Thank you.
What's a good gaming desktop?
Christian 15.08.2015
Build one, or I could build one for you and I can sell it too you through ebay.
John 16.08.2015
I would definitely look into having someone build one for you. Because a lot of these people that get online and try to build then sell you PC's way over price it. But I think that the guy John that posted on here might be able to build one for you and sell it to you for a decent price.
Jacob 16.08.2015
The part list above is the recommended parts for a good gaming system. Skip the SSD and find a cheaper HDD to save money. You need to select your own case & power supply but you can probably hit your budget.
Do not change the i5-4690K or the GTX-970 video card. This combo is the best bang for the buck right now if you want to game.
Grumpy Mac 16.08.2015