Should i get a mac for gaming?

So i have decided to save money for a good computer for not only the photography and other productive stuff thati like to do, but also game(mainly CS-GO, minecraft accasionally with shaders and other stuff, League of Legends, and other steam games). I have always been interested in the mac OS-X and i ma really interested in trying out a mac. So should i save up for a decent gaming pc or a mac. Mac specs: 2.9GHz Processor
1 TB Storage
2.9GHz quad-core Intel Core i5
Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz
8GB (two 4GB) memory
1TB hard drive1
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 1GB video memory

This mac would cost about $1,500. Should i buy a gaming pc for that price or a mac? (I know that macs are not really known for gaming, i just want to know if games would run about as good as they would on a pc) Thanks!

For a similar spec Windows PC, they would be about the same. For the same price, a gaming PC would beat it by a long shot.

Based of what you said you want to do. I say go for it. Aesthetically, nothing beats the engineering of a Mac's hardware.

The only question is… Do you want aesthetics and more than enough power at a premium, or more power and maybe not as pretty hardware at the same price point.

If I were you, I think i would be disappointed if I didn't get a Mac. I'm thinking about getting one of the new macbooks myself because it's more than powerful enough to meet my on the go needs.

Also, you can run windows in Parrallels really well and play your games that way if you needed to.

Things to be aware of.

-mac OSX can be installed on most any pc. You can run it in a virtual machine pretty easily. But as long as you use supported hardware, you can run mac osx as a host OS aswell. (everything you need to know: )
And vice versa you can also install windows on a mac. (so you could play any windows game you wanted if you ran and install windows on a mac)

-The hardware in a mac and pc are identical (its why a hackintosh works), the only main differences is design/appearance, and the screen.

Mac laptops do have some of the best screens you can get on a laptop. (there are a few laptops which offer 1440P and 4K displays). So if you need a really high resolution screen in a laptop, macs are definitely a very good choice. (which is why they are used in protography and photo editing and such).

But there are a few laptops which come with 4K displays, which is definitely good enough at that screen size. (honestly 4k is largely wasted on anything smaller then ~27" screen, and the newer retina macs come with a 5K display, but the lower $ models use a lower res display)

And a 4k display laptop will cost you $2000+. BUT on the flip side you are getting also much better hardware.

An i5 and gt750M are the specs on a $700 laptop. On ones that run 4K displays run 2 gtx980Ms in SLI (since to play games at that res you need a lot of gpu power).

-Also remember mac osx is based on unix which is what linux was born from. And as such linux does everything a mac OS does, but much much better. (other then lack for major commercial support, like photoshop and etc)

-Also remember you can always get a desktop (assemble your own) and do your gaming/work on that. If you really need a mobile PC, phones and tablets can fill the gap on most things, or you can get a cheap laptop.
If you need a high power cpu/gpu while being very mobile, then getting a high end laptop is probably the best solution.
Just know with mini-itx form factor, you can make desktops as small as something like an xbox or ps4 or something. So they can be portable. But a desktop will offer way more performance/$ then any laptop could ever hope to.

These are just the facts, the decision you should make for youself, should come from you lol

You might be better off getting two computers - a Macbook for your graphics work and your mobility, and a desktop PC for your gaming. I think you'd get a just-as-good photo editing experience and a much better gaming experience that way for the same money, rather than expecting one device to do everything.