Minecraft: How do you hack the bukkit server GotPVP?

Okay, so on Minecraft GotPVP, I want to get revenge on some people that are mean to not only me but to others just for karma. The thing is I don't know how to hack, and I need extra knockback hacks and anti knockback so they won't throw me off red dragon.

Please don't say hacking is bad; I know it is, but this is the only way I can get revenge.

Try to use nodus. Its a good minecraft hacked client. Here i'll give you the link: http://www.wizardhax.com/2014/04/14/minecraft-1-7-8-1-7-9-hacked-client-nodus-download/
I also recommend you to watch the video.

Lol dude it glitches for me on gotpvp