I shake when I PvP in Minecraft?

Is this with everyone or only very few? Whenever I'm playing on a pvp server (mainly pvp.thearchon.net) and I got out and pvp, i shake really bad.
Is it because I get scared to pvp?
Is it because I don't Pvp very often?
Is it because i'm bad at pvp?
Or is it something else?

I only have this effect on Minecraft, not any other games. Like on CS: GO I don't shake at all when I fight in that.
Is there a way to fix it?
If not, I'm perfectly fine with it.

Oh and also, If anyone knows why this happens to me, please tell me so.

No worries, this is perfectly normal I experience this same notion when playing Dark Souls™. For starters you really like the game and find a very profound connection to it. So getting into the game is only natural. Which leads me to my next point. When you PvP in any game with this kind of connection. Your body anticipates confrontation and releases adrenaline to compensate for stress, while your brain makes a fight or flight decision. So some experience shaking, elevated heart beat or rapid eye movement. In laymen terms your just getting competitive. In fact adrenaline spurts like this can usually work to your benefit. In the case of a fight scenario if they are properly applied they can cause you to concentrate and over come the situation. My best advice is to practice breathing when this happens. 10 seconds in and 10 seconds out, focusing on your breathing will help you to assess the scenario.

How are you scared of mine craft? It's pixelated blocks. Boy I can't imagine you playing slender bites 2, now that game is horrifying.