I can't make a Minecraft Server

I'm trying to make a Minecraft Server and I'm having some trouble. At first i did the whole download the link from the mineraft page to a separate folder then I opened the link and the first few objects opened up you know the server, the EULA and the logs. After I put true in the EULA and clicked the minecraft server link/tab or whatever it didn't open the next text that was supposed to give me more options and stuff. It now just makes a pop up come up and it says a "Java exception has occurred" that's all and doesn't let me do anything else. I deleted my first attempt in doing this and after that it never worked because it did work before. Is there any other way of doing a minecraft server?

Making a Minecraft server will be hard to start first. Since you got that error you need to update Java. Go to java.com or whatever and download your version (depending on if your OS is 64bit or 32bit which is optional). Next steps are hard. Go to cmd (windows key + R) and type ip config. If you are using wireless use wlan if you are using wired use lan. Find your IPv4 address and paste it into your server.properties file. Find your domain IP and paste it into your browser. After logging into your router go your port forwarding tab. Paste your IPv4 address into there along with the port (25565 as default) save and run your server. In order for you to join your server use your IPv4 IP. For others to join go to whatismyip.com and show them thst ip.