How to create a premium minecraft account for free?

Today at school, my friend gave me a USB with a full downloaded version of minecraft on it. When i got home i opened it up it came up with the full game launcher, i tried logging in with my email and password but i came up with can't connect with I told my friend and hes like, "you need a premium account" and because i don't have any money i acnt buy one. Is there a way to get a free one? I've tried looking around for a site where i can get one, but they all have surveys you have to complete to get it… I just one a simple and easy site…
Please help…
How to create a premium minecraft account for free - 1

It's free once you pay 28 dollars.

By having someone buy it for you

Actually if you have a Minecraft account you already have a premium account. Can't connect to Minecraft is a connection issue.

Give Me Minecraft premium Plz plz plz