Does anyone consider your smartphone a gaming system?

You can play first person shooters on it(story and multiplayer included), minecraft, open world games similar to GTA, you can even get GTA on it, Third person shooter's (story and multiplayer included) and even more

Your reasons are good, but it just doesn't feel right calling my phone a console. Doesn't have a ring to it.

I feel like gaming apps on smartphones are like demo versions of the real thing. :/

No because consols run faster

No, most of the games you talk about are ports (which is something that does happen with consoles) but they are slightly different to accommodate the touchscreen. The problem with calling your smartphone a gaming system is that simply it is isn't used as a gaming system most of the time. When you look at people with their smartphones they're doing a variety of things (watching videos, listening to music, and YES playing games). But, the most popular of these games (games that aren't found on consoles) are different, and these games fall under different genres than what we usually see in the console scene. Such as games in the arcade or simulation genre. I've rambled quite a bit, but I feel that the main point is that smartphones are called smartphones for a reason. We don't consider them gaming systems for the same reason we don't called them music players or simply phones.

No, people who play games on their phones are like people who play games on a Wii they are "casual" gamers. That is to say not the type to sit for hours playing VGs generally. Phone games are not real games (even if they are a port of one) they are a sad and pathetic imitation.

My phone does have this one really cool application on it though that I feel some of you may remember… IT ******* CALLS PEOPLE.

btw call it an application "apps" are for apple boys.