Do you know this minecraft seed?

So I found this seed on, and it was probably the best seed I've ever found. I remember a good amount of info on it. I think you guys will hve to use admist or something to find it, if you'de be so kind. The first digit was "-7" (note the NEGATIVE!). It had three sevens in a row, I believe in the middle of the seed ("777"). At the end I THINK was 659 or 609. It had the digits 6, 5, 3, 0, and 9 in it. (I hope this info is good of actual use! ). You should spawn in a desert. If not, a forest or plains. There should be a mesa biome around it. Not too far (few 1,000 blocks) is a mushroom island (I don't know which direction), and maybe 8,000 away somewhere is an ice spike plains biome.


Go to youtube and type minecraft seeds and you can find some

You do realize that there are an infinite amount of seeds, right? Sorry I can't help!