Make up an achievement for me?

Can you set me a achievement to accomplish in any one of the following video games, However not something that is already an "achievement" and I will turn it into a YouTube Video

For example I have already attempted/completed the challenges:
-Build a 3D Pokemon in Minecraft.
-Complete Fester's Quest without cheats or save states.

I also have a lot of challenges/achievements for Skyrim so if you want to give me more skyrim made up achievements then please do not make them "complete the entire game in "

The list of games I have access too currently is:
CoD: Ghosts
Child of light
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dying Light
Final fantasy Type-0 HD
Final fantasy - Episode Duscae
gta 5
Halo Master Chief Collection
Abes Oddssey
Ori and the blind Forrest
peggle 2
rayman legends
Slender: The Arival
the evil within
trials fusion

Assassins creed 4 black flag
Assassins creed unity
never alone
neverwinter nights
elite dangerous (PC)
skyrim (PC)
galactic civilizations 3 (PC)
pool nation fx
project spark
strike suit zero
the escapists
unmechanical extended
left 4 dead 2
volgar the viking
worms battlegrounds
Alien: Isolation
Far Cry 4
Castle Storm
Any and all NES/SNES Games (Emulator)
Any Gameboy Game (Emulator)
Any DS Game (Not 3DS) (Emulator)

You can either leave an answer here or email: j o s h (dot) p l a y s (at) o u t l o o k (dot) c o m with your challenges.

Also, if you give me a achievement/challenge, give it a name, and let me know if there's anything I can plug for you when I give you a shout out.

Halo MCC: Get into an online game in under a minute.
LOL jokes
Try to build a Mario Kart-like track in Halo Forge ot something:-)

-Complete Fester's Quest without cheats or save states.


i'm sure you gave up on that quickly. (its a badly designed game, but it was like the only one i had not played or beat a million times already on my nes…)

if you want something less hard, but still pretty hard.
complete games such as guardian legend (w/o cheats/save states ofc, as it kind of ruins challenge in completion).

actually guardian legend is one of my favorite games from older consoles. It is a challenging game though. (especially at the end)
if you are into older games (bad graphics, non modern gameplay/features, etc), definitely give that game a play.
The game doesn't have a normal "save" function however. So for convenience you can use save states when you are at one of the save game rooms which give you a save password in game. (but using them like right before a boss battle or something is cheating)