2 Separate Minecraft Accounts?

My brother and I both want Minecraft, but we want to each have our own character. Is it possible two have 2 accounts? Or do we need to buy Minecraft twice?

Added (1). I don't care about playing online at once. That won't be a problem.

You can buy 1 account and play on different computers, but the problem is that only both of you guys can't login in to the same server.

No you can't have different characters. If you do not buy two accounts you will not be able to play online at the same time. You will share the same skin, name. In order to play online at the same time you MUST have a minecraft account of your own.

You have to buy 2 if you want to have you and your brother playing on the same server (at the same time) otherwise, you guys can just share an account.

That, or you can buy the card that has two MC accounts, and you can pay for Realms to play together. Hopefully you have a lot of money.